CDT supervisor awarded the coveted Pilkington Prize in recognition of teaching excellence
Dr Hannah Joyce

CDT supervisor awarded the coveted Pilkington Prize in recognition of teaching excellence

Dr Hannah Joyce is among 13 winners of the coveted Pilkington Prize for Teaching and Learning 2021 in recognition of her teaching excellence. As well as the prestige of winning the award Hannah will receive £1,000.

This year's Pilkington Prize Winners were celebrated in a virtual ceremony held on Tuesday 29 June 2021. The University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stephen J Toope, opened the ceremony with a message of congratulations and thanks to all Prize Winners.

Dr Joyce said:
"I feel really privileged to teach Engineering at Cambridge. Winning a Pilkington Prize during such a challenging time is particularly meaningful to me.”

Dr Hannah Joyce

Dr Hannah Joyce, one of 13 prize winners, lectures on electromagnetics and semiconductor engineering, for which she has received excellent feedback from the students - including some of the highest presentation marks in student surveys and nominations for ‘Best Lecturer’. Her engaging teaching style and clarity have been particularly appreciated, referencing both historical elements and popular culture. She has run the postgraduate Researcher Development Course in the Electrical Division at University of Cambridge for over 5 years, enhancing the professional skills of research students. As a female engineer, she is a role model to female students.

Dr Joyce said: "I feel really privileged to teach Engineering at Cambridge. The students are among the most brilliant in the world and their enthusiasm is contagious, so I draw a lot of inspiration from them. Their insightful questions frequently cause me to deepen my own understanding of the material I teach. So really, teaching is win-win!”

“The pandemic has created a lot of challenges for students and lecturers alike. I am really impressed with how well students have adapted, and the patience and understanding they have demonstrated as we lecturers scrambled to find Covid-safe teaching methods. Winning a Pilkington Prize during such a challenging time is particularly meaningful to me.”

The Pilkington Prize

The Pilkington Prize was set up in 1994 by Sir Alastair Pilkington, who believed that the quality of teaching was crucial to the University’s success. The prizes are awarded to individuals who make a substantial contribution to the teaching programme of a Department, Faculty or the University as a whole. Nominations are made by each of the six Schools.

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Published: 05 Jul 2021, University of Cambridge.

Dr Hannah Joyce:

Dr Hannah Joyce is a Fellow of St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, where she is Director of Studies for second-year engineering students and is a Reader in the Department of Engineering. Hannah is a supervisor on the Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic & Photonic Systems (CEPS CDT).

Photo credit: Media Communications, University of Cambridge.