Publications from students
Below is just a selection of academic publications in high impact journals by current, former and associated CDT students.
Year: 2024
"Investigating the effect of limited spectral information on NIRS-derived changes in hemoglobin and cytochrome-c-oxidase concentration with a diffusion-based model," by Georgina Leadley, Robert J. Cooper, Topun Austin, Jeremy C. Hebden, and Gemma Bale. Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 5912-5931 (2024).
"122.6 Tb/s S+C+L Band Unrepeatered Transmission over 223 km Link with Optimised Bidirectional Raman Amplification," by Jiaqian Yang, Henrique Buglia; Mindaugas Jarmolovičius; Romulo Aparecido; Eric Sillekens; Ronit Sohanpal; Mingming Tan; Dini Pratiwi; Ruben S. Luis; Benjamin J. Puttnam et al., in Journal of Lightwave Technology, December 2024, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2024.3521233.
"Review of measurements and imaging of cytochrome-c-oxidase in humans using near-infrared spectroscopy: an update," by Georgina Leadley, Topun Austin, and Gemma Bale. Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 162-184 (2024).
"Electrogelation of PEDOT:PSS and its copolymer for bioelectronics" by Christopher Slaughter, Santiago Velasco-Bosom, Xudong Tao, Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Stefany Kissovsky, Ryo Mizuta, Daniele Mantione, Scott T. Keene, George G. Malliaras and Antonio Dominguez-Alfaro. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Issue 37, 2024.
"Body Surface Potential Mapping: A Perspective on High-Density Cutaneous Electrophysiology" by Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Dario Farina and George G. Malliaras. Advanced Science, 16 December 2024,
"Mie metasurfaces for enhancing photon outcoupling from single embedded quantum emitters" by
Samuel Prescott, Prasad P. Iyer , Sadhvikas Addamane , Hyunseung Jung , Ting S. Luk , Igal Brener and Oleg Mitrofanov. Nanophotonics, 2024,
“Control of Quantized Spontaneous Emission from Single GaAs Quantum Dots Embedded in Huygens’ Metasurfaces” by Prasad P. Iyer, Samuel Prescott, Sadhvikas Addamane, Hyunseung Jung, Emma Renteria, Jacob Henshaw, Andrew Mounce, Ting S. Luk, Oleg Mitrofanov, and Igal Brener. Nano Letters, April 15, 2024.
"Continuous wave terahertz detection using 1550 nm pumped nonlinear photoconductive GaAs metasurfaces" by James Seddon, Lucy Hale, Hyunseung Jung, Sarah Norman, Igal Brener, Alwyn Seeds, Cyril Renaud, and Oleg Mitrofanov, in Opt. Express 32, 9809-9819 (2024). Vol. 32, Issue 6, pp. 9809-9819 (2024)
"Understanding localized states in the band tails of amorphous semiconductors exemplified by a-Si:H from the perspective of excess delocalized charges" by Yuezhou Luo and Andrew John Flewitt in Phys. Rev. B 109, 104203, 13 March 2024.
"Light-Based 3D Multi-Material Printing of Micro-Structured Bio-Shaped, Conducting and Dry Adhesive Electrodes for Bioelectronics," by Antonio Dominguez-Alfaro, Eleni Mitoudi-Vagourdi, Ivan Dimov, Matias L. Picchio, Naroa Lopez-Larrea, Jon Lopez de Lacalle, Xudong Tao, Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Antonela Gallastegui, Nikolaos Vassardanis, David Mecerreyes, George G. Malliaras in Advanced Science, 22 January 2024.
"Fast, multicolour optical sectioning over extended fields of view with patterned illumination and machine learning," by Edward N. Ward, Rebecca M. McClelland, Jacob R. Lamb, Roger Rubio-Sánchez, Charles N. Christensen, Bismoy Mazumder, Sofia Kapsiani, Luca Mascheroni, Lorenzo Di Michele, Gabriele S. Kaminski Schierle, and Clemens F. Kaminski. Published in Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 1074-1088 (2024).
Year: 2023
"Accelerated Augmented Reality Holographic 4k Video Projections Based on Lidar Point Clouds for Automotive Head-Up Displays" by Jana Skirnewskaja, Yunuen Montelongo, Jinze Sha, Phil Wilkes, Timothy D. Wilkinson. Published in Advanced Optical Materials, 20 December 2023,
"Hydrophobic Eutectogels as Electrodes for Underwater Electromyography Recording" by Jon López de Lacalle, Matias L. Picchio, Antonio Dominguez-Alfaro, Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Bastien Marchiori, Isabel del Agua, Naroa Lopez-Larrea, Miryam Criado-Gonzalez, George G. Malliaras, and David Mecerreyes. Published in ACS Materials Lett. 2023, 5, 12, 3340–3346, November 15, 2023,
"RASP: Optimal single fluorescent puncta detection in complex cellular backgrounds" by
Bin Fu, Emma E. Brock, Rebecca Andrews, Jonathan C. Breiter, Ru Tian, Christina E. Toomey, Joanne Lachica, Tammaryn Lashley, Mina Ryten, Nicholas W. Wood, Michele Vendruscolo, Sonia Gandhi, Lucien E. Weiss, Joseph S. Beckwith, Steven F. Lee. Published in bioRxiv 2023.12.18.572148; doi:
"200 Gb/s/λ Upstream PON Using Polarization Multiplexed PAM4 With Coherent Detection, by I. B. Kovacs, M. S. Faruk and S. J. Savory, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 18, pp. 1014-1017, 15 Sept.15, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3300070.
"A Minimal Coherent Receiver for 200 Gb/s/λ PON Downstream With Measured 29 dB Power Budget" by I. B. Kovacs, M. S. Faruk and S. J. Savory in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 257-260, 1 March1, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3238666.
"Nonlinear Phase Shift Pre-compensation for Improved Power Budget in a 200 Gbps Simplified Coherent PON" by P. Torres-Ferrera, M. S. Faruk, I. B. Kovacs and S. J. Savory, in 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1364/OFC.2023.Th2A.21.
"Deep Reinforcement Learning for Infrastructure as a Service over Flexible Optical Networks" by Beghelli Zapata, Alejandra; Doherty, Michael; in (Proceedings) European Conference on Optical Communications (2023) Glasgow, UK. (In press).
"Masked deep reinforcement learning for virtual network embedding on elastic optical networks" by Doherty, Michael; Zhang, Yitao; Beghelli, Alejandra; in Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM). IEEE: Coimbra, Portugal. (In press).
"Practical, high-speed Gaussian coherent state continuous variable quantum key distribution with real-time parameter monitoring, optimised slicing, and post-processed key distillation.", by Weerasinghe, A., Alhussein, M., Alderton, A. et al. in Sci Rep 13, 21543 (2023).
"Near-field imaging and spectroscopy of terahertz resonators and metasurfaces [Invited]," by Lucy L. Hale, Thomas Siday, and Oleg Mitrofanov, in Opt. Mater. Express 13, 3068-3086 (2023),
"Digital Pre-Distorted One-Step Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Real-Time Hologram Generation for Holographic Displays" by Jinze Sha, Adam Goldney, Andrew Kadis, Jana Skirnewskaja, Timothy D. Wilkinson in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2023, pp 030405-1 - 030405-7,
"Open-source software package for on-the-fly deskewing and live viewing of volumetric lightsheet microscopy data" by Jacob R. Lamb, Edward N. Ward, and Clemens F. Kaminski, in Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 834-845 (2023). Link to publication
"Holographic LiDAR Projections with Brightness Control" by J. Skirnewskaja, Y. Montelongo, J. Sha, and T. D. Wilkinson in Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2022 (3D, AOA, COSI, ISA, pcAOP), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper 3F2A.6.
“A Minimal Coherent Receiver for 200 Gb/s/λ PON Downstream With Measured 29 dB Power Budget," by I. B. Kovacs, M. S. Faruk and S. J. Savory in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 257-260, 1 March, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3238666.
"Power dissipation bounds for photonic analog to digital converters," by C. Deakin and Z. Liu in 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1364/OFC.2023.M1J.2.
"Impact of Laser Phase Noise on Ranging Precision Within and Beyond Laser Coherence Length in FMCW LiDAR," by W. Yi, Z. Zhou, Z. Liu, P. Bayvel and R. I. Killey, 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1364/OFC.2023.M3F.3.
"On the Impact of Frequency Variation on Nonlinearity Mitigation using Frequency Combs," by R. Sohanpal, E. Sillekens, F. M. Ferreira, R. I. Killey, P. Bayvel, and Z. Liu, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023 Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper Th1F.3.
"Low-noise, Flat-spectrum, Polarization-Maintaining All-Fiber Frequency Comb for Wideband Communications," by Y. Cai, R. Sohanpal, Y. Luo, A. M. Heidt, and Z. Liu in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper Th1B.5.
"Pilot-aided Pump Dithering Removal in Degenerate FWM-based Optical Phase Conjugation Systems with Higher-order QAM," by Jiaqian Yang, Eric Sillekens, Ronit Sohanpal, Filipe M. Ferreira, Zhixin Liu, Polina Bayvel, and Robert I. Killey in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023 Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper W3E.2.
"High Density Body Surface Potential Mapping with Conducting Polymer-Eutectogel Electrode Arrays for ECG imaging" by Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Santiago Velasco-Bosom, Antonio Dominguez-Alfaro, Matias L. Picchio, Daniele Mantione, David Mecerreyes, George G. Malliaras, 18 May 2023.
"Experimental Demonstration of Multiband Comb-Enabled mm-Wave Transmission," by D. Nopchinda, Z. Zhou, Z. Liu and I. Darwazeh in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 919-922, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/LMWT.2023.3266815.
"Nonlinear Phase Shift Pre-compensation for Improved Power Budget in a 200 Gbps Simplified Coherent PON" by P. Torres-Ferrera, M. S. Faruk, I. B. Kovacs and S. J. Savory in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper Th2A.21.
"Development and preliminary testing of a multi-wavelength wearable diffuse optical tomography system" by Georgina Leadley at European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) 28 June 2023, Paper 12628-36.
"Polarimetric calibrated robust dual-SLM complex-amplitude computer-generated holography" by Xiaomeng Sui, Weijie Wu, Mike Pivnenko, Daping Chu, and Liangcai Cao, Opt. Lett. 48, 3625-3628 (2023).
"Phase shift of liquid crystal-induced resonance tuning in dielectric metasurface at telecommunication wavelength" by Xin Chang, Mike Pivnenko, Pawan Shrestha, Weijie Wu, Wenhan Zhang, Daping Chu at SPIE OPTO, 2023.
"Communications with guaranteed bandwidth and low latency using frequency-referenced multiplexing" by Zhou, Z., Wei, J., Luo, Y. et al. in Nat Electron 6, 694–702 (2023).
Year: 2022
"An On-Chip Continuous Wave Terahertz Spectrometer" by James Seddon, Chris Graham, Marie Georgiades, Cyril Renaud and Alwyn Seeds, in arXiv:2212.02215v1
"All dielectric metasurfaces for spin-dependent terahertz wavefront control" by Tong Wu, Huifang Zhang, Sivaloganathan Kumaran, Yuehong Xu, Qingwei Wang, Wladislaw Michailow, Xueqian Zhang, Harvey E. Beere, David A. Ritchie and Jiaguang Han, in Photon. Res. 10, 1695-1702 (2022),
"Automotive Holographic Head-Up Displays" by Skirnewskaja, J. and Wilkinson, T. D. in Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2110463.
"Maximal absorption in ultrathin TiN films for microbolometer applications" by Ting S. Luk, Guangping Xu, Willard Ross, John N. Nogan, Ethan A. Scott, Sergei Ivanov, Oana Niculescu, Oleg Mitrofanov, C. Thomas Harris; Appl. Phys. Lett. 5 December 2022; 121 (23): 234101.
"Multispectral imaging of nailfold capillaries using light-emitting diode illumination" by Taylor-Williams M, Mead S, Sawyer TW, Hacker L, Williams C, Berks M, Murray A, Bohndiek SE in Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 27, Issue 12, 126002 (December 2022). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.12.126002
"Optimisation of geometric aspect ratio of thin film transistors for low-cost flexible CMOS inverters and its practical implementation" by N.C.A van Fraassen, K.M. Niang, J.D. Parish, et al. Sci Rep 12, 16111 (2022).
"All-fibre heterogeneously-integrated frequency comb generation using silicon core fibre" by Ronit Sohanpal, Callum Deakin, Zhixin Liu, et al. Nature Communications 13, 3992 (2022).
"Cimmino simultaneously iterative holographic projection" by Miguel de V. El Guendy, Ralf Mouthaan, Andrew Kadis, Youchao Wang, Oana Niculescu, Amr Soliman, Darran Milne, Andrzej Kaczorowski, and Timothy D. Wilkinson. Optics Continuum Vol. 1, Issue 6, pp. 1351-1363 (2022)
"Clock Synchronized Transmission of 51.2GBd Optical Packets for Optically Switched Data Center Interconnects" by Z. Zhou, K. A. Clark, C. Deakin and Z. Liu in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1735-1741, 15 March15, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3148776.
"Multipoint-to-point data aggregation using a single receiver and frequency-multiplexed intensity-modulated ONUs" by Zhou Z, Wei J, Clark KA, Sillekens E, Deakin C, Sohanpal R, Luo Y, Slavik R, Liu Z in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2022 Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper Tu2G.4.
"Optimization of 125-μm Heterogeneous Multi-Core Fibres Design using AI" by Mu X, Ottino A, Marques Ferreira F and Georgios Z in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1-13, July-Aug. 2022, Art no. 4300113, doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2021.3104821.
"All-fibre heterogeneously-integrated frequency comb generation using silicon core fibre" by Sohanpal R, Ren H, Shen L, Deakin C, Heidt A, Hawkins T, Ballato J, Gibson U, Peacock A, Liu Z in Nature Communications, 09/07/2022.
"Frequency interleaving dual comb photonic ADC with 7 bits ENOB up to 40 GHz" by Deakin C and Liu Z (conference paper) at 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 23/09/2022.
"Techniques for applying reinforcement learning to routing and wavelength assignment problems in optical fiber communication networks" by Josh W. Nevin, Sam Nallaperuma, Nikita A. Shevchenko, Zacharaya Shabka, Georgios Zervas, and Seb J. Savory in Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
"Design and transmission analysis of trench-assisted multi-core fibre in standard cladding diameter" by Xun Mu, Alessandro Ottino, Filipe M. Ferreira and Georgios Zervas in Optics Express,
"Traffic generation for benchmarking data centre networks" by Christopher Parsonson, Joshua L. Benjamin, Georgios Zervas in Optical Switching and Networking,
Volume 46, 2022, 100695,
"O-Band Microring Resonator Based Switch-and-Select Silicon Photonic Switch Fabric" by J. Xia, M. Chen, A. Rizzo, B. Sun, Z. Wang, M. Glick, Q. Cheng, K. Bergman, and R. Penty, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper SF4M.7.
"Systematic analogue realisation strategy of exact Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics in MOS weak-inversion" by Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Olaf Sikorski and EM Drakakis. Presented at 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) in 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9971027.
"Ultra-Low-Power PPG Analog Signal Processing Circuit for Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation," by Ruben Ruiz-Mateos Serrano, Dai Jiang and Andreas Demosthenous. Presented at 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9971035.
Year: 2021
"Binary-Phase Computer-Generated Holography using Hardware-in-the-loop Feedback," by A. Kadis, R. Mouthaan, D. Dong, Y. Wang, B. Wetherfield, M. El Guendy and T. D. Wilkinson in OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021 (3D, COSI, DH, ISA, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper DW5E.1.
"Design Optimization of Uncoupled Six-core Fibers in Standard Cladding Diameter Using Artificial Intelligence," by X. Mu, F. M. Ferreira, A. Ottino and G. Zervas, 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 2021, pp. 1-3.
"Parametric frequency comb generation using silicon core fiber," by R. Sohanpal, H. Ren, L. Shen, C. Deakin, A. M. Heidt, T. W. Hawkins, J. Ballato, U. J. Gibson, A. C. Peacock, and Z. Liu, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper M5B.5.
"Raspberry PI Cluster System for Computer Generated Holography" by Guangyu Zhang, Youchao Wang, Daoming Dong, and Timothy Wilkinson in OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021 (3D, COSI, DH, ISA, pcAOP) OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper DW5E.3.
"Analysis of the Extremes of SNR Time Series Data Using Extreme Value Statistics," by J. W. Nevin and S. J. Savory, 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 2021, pp. 1-3.
"Resource Allocation in Disaggregated Data Centre Systems with Reinforcement Learning" by Zacharaya Shabka and Georgios Zervas. 11 November, 2021.
"Physics-Informed Gaussian Process Regression for Optical Fiber Communication Systems", by Josh W. Nevin; F. J. Vaquero-Caballero; David. J. Ives and Seb J. Savory. in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39, no. 21, pp. 6833-6844, 1 Nov.1, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3106714.
"Optimization of 125-μm Heterogeneous Multi-Core Fibre Design Using Artificial Intelligence," by Xun Mu, Alessandro Ottino, Filipe M. Ferreira and Georgios Zervas. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1-13, July-Aug. 2022, Art no. 4300113, doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2021.3104821.
"Machine learning for optical fiber communication systems: An introduction and overview," by Josh W. Nevin, Sam Nallaperuma, Nikita A. Shevchenko, Xiang Li, Md. Saifuddin Faruk, and Seb J. Savory. APL Photonics 6, 121101 (2021);
"Modelling the Interrogation of Planar Fabry-Pérot Ultrasound Sensors with Bessel Beams," by Oliver J. Sheppard, James A. Guggenheim, Dylan Marques, and Peter R.T. Munro. 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 2021, pp. 1-2, doi:10.1109/IPC48725.2021.9592891.
"LiDAR-Derived Digital Holograms for Automotive Head-Up Displays," by Jana Skirnewskaja, Yunuen Montelongo, Phil Wilkes, and Timothy Wilkinson. Optics Express (2021)
"AI-optimised tuneable sources for bandwidth-scalable, sub-nanosecond wavelength switching," by Thomas Gerard, Christopher Parsonson, Zacharaya Shabka, Benn Thomsen, Polina Bayvel, Domaniç Lavery, and Georgios Zervas. Opt. Express, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 11221-11242 (2021).
“Ion-exchange doped polymers at the degenerate limit: what limits conductivity at 100% doping efficiency?” by Ian E. Jacobs, Gabriele D'Avino, Yue Lin, Vincent Lemaur, Yuxuan Huang, Xinglong Ren, Dimitrios Simatos, William Wood, Chen Chen, Henning Sirringhaus, et. al. January 2021.
"Performance of dual frequency comb channelizers for RF signal processing," by C. Deakin and Z. Liu, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper Tu5F.4.
"Frequency-Modulated Chirp Signals for Single-Photodiode Based Coherent LiDAR System," by Yi W, Li Z, Zhou Z, Sillekens E, Gerard T, Deakin C, Ferreira FM, Galdino L, Liu Z, Bayvel P, Killey RI in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39, no. 14, pp. 4661-4670, July15, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3081255.
"Joint estimation of dynamic polarization and carrier phase with pilot-based adaptive equalizer in PDM-64 QAM transmission system" by Jiaqian Yang, Eric Sillekens, Wenting Yi, Polina Bayvel, and Robert I. Killey in Opt. Express 29, 43136-43147 (2021).
"Clock synchronized transmission of 51.2 GBd optical packets for optically switched data center interconnects" (conference paper) by Zhou Z, Clark K, Deakin C, Laccotripes P, Liu Z at Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2021, 06/06/2021.
"Phase noise of electro-optic dual frequency combs" by Deakin C, Zhou Z, Liu Z in Optics Letters, 46 (6), 1345, 15/03/2021.
"Equalizer State Caching for Fast Data Recovery in Optically-Switched Data Center Networks" by Z. Hu, Z. Zhou, C. C. -K. Chan and Z. Liu in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39, no. 17, pp. 5362-5370, 1 Sept.1, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3089684.
"3D computer-generated holograms for augmented reality applications in medical education" by Jana Skirnewskaja; Yunuen Montelongo; Timothy D. Wilkinson, SPIE 11842, Applications of Digital Image Processing XLIV, 118421C (1 August 2021); doi: 10.1117/12.2595931
Year: 2020
“Charge and Thermoelectric Transport in Polymer-Sorted Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks” by Martin Statz, Severin Schneider, Felix J. Berger, Lianglun Lai, William A. Wood, Mojtaba Abdi-Jalebi, Simone Leingang, Hans-Jörg Himmel, Jana Zaumseil, and Henning Sirringhaus. ACS Nano 2020 14 (11), 15552-15565. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c06181
"Bend- and Twist-Insensitive Flexible Multimode Polymer Optical Interconnects” by N. Bamiedakis, F. Shi, R. V. Penty, I. H. White and D. Chu, in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no. 23, pp. 6561-6568, 1 Dec.1, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3013994
"Ultra-high-resolution software-defined photonic terahertz spectroscopy" by Rodolfo I. Hermans, James Seddon, Haymen Shams, Lalitha Ponnampalam, Alwyn J. Seeds and Gabriel Aeppli. Optica 7, 1445–1455 (2020). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.397506
"Linear-time algorithm for phase-sensitive holography" by Peter J. Christopher, Ralf Mouthaan, Miguel El Guendy, Timothy D. Wilkinson. Optical Engineering, 59(8), 085104 (2020). DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.59.8.085104
"Single molecule light field microscopy" by Ruth R. Sims, Sohaib Abdul Rehman, Martin O. Lenz, Sarah I. Benaissa, Ezra Bruggeman, Adam Clark, Edward W. Sanders, Aleks Ponjavic, Leila Muresan, Steven F. Lee, and Kevin O’Holleran. Optica Vol. 7, Issue 9, pp. 1065-1072 (2020). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.397172
"Optimal Control of SOAs with Artificial Intelligence for Sub-Nanosecond Optical Switching" by Christopher Parsonson, Zacharaya Shabka, Georgios Zervas, et al. Journal of Lightwave Technology. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3004645
“Noninvasive Near-Field Spectroscopy of Single Subwavelength Complementary Resonators” by L. L Hale, J. Keller, T. Siday, R. I. Hermans, J. Haase, J. L. Reno, I. Brener, G. Scalari, J. Faist & O. Mitrofanov. Laser and Photonic Reviews 14(4) 2020 (Cover Story).
"Clock and Data Recovery-Free Data Communications Enabled by Multi-core Fiber with Low Thermal Sensitivity of Skew" by Ronit Sohanpal, Kari Clark, Ben Puttnam, Polina Bayvel and Zhixin Liu. Journal of Lightwave Technology, Feb, 2020. DOI:
"Structural characterization of porous GaN distributed Bragg reflectors using x-ray diffraction", by P. H. Griffin, M. Frentrup, T. Zhu, M. E. Vickers and R. A. Oliver. Journal of Applied Physics 126, 213109 (2019);
"All-Silicone-based Distributed Bragg Reflectors for Efficient Flexible Luminescent Solar Concentrators", by Mark Portnoi, Thomas J. Macdonald, Christian Sol, Tom S. Robbins, Tao Lia, Johannes Schläfera, Stefan Guldin, Ivan P. Parkin and Ioannis Papakonstantinou. Nano Energy, Volume 70, April 2020, 104507.
“Resonance-enhanced terahertz nanoscopy probes" by T. Siday, L. L. Hale, R. I. Hermans and O. Mitrofanov. ACS Photonics 2020, 7, 3, 596-601. Publication date: February 14, 2020.
"High-Performance Planar Thin Film Thermochromic Window via Dynamic Optical Impedance Matching", by Christian Sol, Mark Portnoi, Tao LiKargal, L. Gurunatha, Johannes Schläfer, Stefan GuldinIvan, P. Parkin and Ioannis Papakonstantinou. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 7, 8140-8145. Publication Date: January 29, 2020.
"Interrogation of Fabry-Pérot ultrasound sensors with Bessel beams", by Oliver J. Sheppard, James A. Guggenheim, Dylan M. Marques, Rehman Ansari, Edward Z Zhang, Paul C. Beard and Peter R. T. Munro. Proceedings Volume 11240, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2020; 1124014 (2020); Event: SPIE BiOS, 2020, San Francisco, California, United States.
"Impact of Analog and Digital Pre-emphasis on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Bandwidth-limited Optical Transceivers", by Zichuan Zhou, Temitope Odedeyi, Brian Kelly, John O'Carroll, Richard Phelan, Izzat Darwazeh and Zhixin Liu; IEEE Photonics Journal (January 2020). DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.2966617
"Dual frequency comb assisted analog-to-digital conversion", by Callum Deakin and Zhixin Liu; Optics Letters, Vol. 45, Issue 1, pp. 173-176 (2020),
"Relative impact of channel symbol rate on transmission capacity" by Thomas Gerard, Daniel Semrau, Eric Sillekens, Adrian Edwards, Wayne Pelouch, Stuart Barnes, Robert I. Killey, Domaniç Lavery, Polina Bayvel, and Lidia Galdino. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. B1-B8, Jan, 2020.
“Implementation of 10-Bit Phase Modulation for Phase-Only LCOS Devices Using Deep Learning” by Y Tong, M Pivnenko, & D Chu, Advanced Devices & Instrumentation (AAAS/Science Partner Journal) 2020.
"Noise and distortion analysis of dual frequency comb photonic RF channelizers" by Deakin, C., Liu, Z. (2020) in Optics Express, 28 (26), 39750. DOI:
Year: 2019
"Simple source device-independent continuous-variable quantum random number generator", by P. R. Smith, D. G. Marangon, M. Lucamarini, Z. L. Yuan, and A. J. Shields; Phys. Rev. A 99, 062326 (June 2019).
“Encapsulation of methylammonium lead bromide perovskite in nanoporous GaN”, Kevin T. P. Lim, Callum Deakin, Boning Ding, Xinyu Bai, Peter Griffin, Tongtong Zhu, Rachel A. Oliver and Dan Credgington, APL Materials 7, 021107 (2019); DOI:
“Dual frequency comb assisted analog-to-digital conversion,” by Callum Deakin and Zhixin Liu, Optics. Letters., vol. 45, no. 1, p. 173, Dec. 2019. DOI:
Conference presentation: “Phase Distortion Corrections of Phase-Only LCoS Devices for Digital Holographic Applications”, by Yuan Tong, Mike Pivnenko and Daping Chu; presented at Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2019 OSA (Optical Society of America, 2019), Technical Digest paper W1A.3 DOI:
Conference paper: “On-Orbit Self-Focusing Using Conjugated Optical Fiber Waveguides for Space Optical Cameras”, by Jin Li, Fei Xing, Pawan Kumar Shrestha, Fengyuan Shi and Z Liu; presented at IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, PP(99):1-3, (May 2019). DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2909825
Conference paper: “Mode-mixing in multimode polymer waveguides for on-board optical interconnects”, by N. Bamiedakis, F. Shi, D. Chu, R. V. Penty and I. H. White; presented at Optical Interconnects XIX (2019), Mar 4 (Vol. 10924, p. 1092404). International Society for Optics and Photonics. DOI: 10.1117/12.2510275
"Design and Analysis of Beam Steering Multicore Fiber Optical Switches", by Callum Deakin, Michael Enrico, Nick Parsons and Georgios Zervas. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019-05-01. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2019.2896318
“Terahertz Detection with Perfectly-Absorbing Photoconductive Metasurface” by Thomas Siday, Polina P. Vabishchevich, Lucy Hale, Charles Thomas Harris, Ting Shan Luk, John L. Reno, Igal Brener and Oleg Mitrofanov.. Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 5, 2888-2896. Publication date: April 4, 2019.
“MAESTROS: a multiwavelength time-domain NIRS system to monitor changes in oxygenation and oxidation state of Cytochrome-C-Oxidase" by F. Lange, L. Dunne, L. Hale and I. Tachtsidis. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-12, Jan.-Feb. 2019, Art no. 7100312. Published online: May 9, 2018.
“Improvements of phase linearity and phase flicker of phase-only LCoS devices for holographic applications” by Y Tong, M Pivnenko, and D Chu, Applied Optics, 58 (34), (2019), G248-G255.