How to propose a project

We accept project proposals from approved academic supervisors and industry partners throughout the year.

Submission deadlines for each academic period can be found on the Projects page.

Guidelines for industry partners: Industry partner guidelines 2024.pdf 

Project criteria

Projects must be within the field of photonic and electronic systems (i.e. have significant photonics content with emphasis on electronic systems). Purely materials focused projects would not be suitable this programme.

Abstracts must include:

  • clearly defined research objectives,
  • methodology (i.e. what the student will be doing),
  • engineering/scientific novelty of the research,
  • how the project meets the remit of the PES CDT.

Privacy statement: The information you provide may be published on publicly available sites to demonstrate impact and benefits of EPSRC funded research. Please ensure confidential information is not included in this summary.

A primary supervisor is required. A secondary supervisor may also be nominated.
Ensure the abstract includes the following section headings: Aims/Objectives, Methodology, Novelty, Relevance to 'Photonic and Electronic Systems'.
International students choosing this project will require a summary of research statement to support their visa application. A single paragraph description of the project is usually sufficient.