CDT student wins poster competition at Microscience Microscopy Congress 2023
Congratulations to Rebecca McClelland, PhD researcher on the CEPS CDT, on winning 1st prize in the Frontiers in Bioimaging poster competition at Microscience Microscopy Congress (MMC) 2023.
MMC 23 brought together the very best in microscopy, imaging and cytometry from across the globe.
Rebecca’s poster and flashtalk topic was ‘Combining machine learning with interferometric structured illumination microscopy for imaging dynamic processes in 3D’.
In the poster presentation Rebecca showed how MAI-SIM can be implemented on existing widefield systems at minimal cost and the advantages of interferometric SIM, highlighting the importance of simultaneous multi-colour acquisition in biological imaging. She also showed how the technique can be expanded to the 3D regime and how it can provide volumetric sample information and video-rate reconstructions, viewed from multiple angles.
Co-investigators on this research were Dr Edward Ward, Ms Rebecca McClelland, Mr Jacob Lamb, Dr Meng Lu, and Professor Clemens Kaminski.
Further information
Read about Rebecca McClelland
Rebecca’s PhD research is funded by EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems (CEPS CDT) (programme grant EP/S022139/1).
Read about the presentation: