Our Partners

The Centre works with over thirty companies and organisations worldwide who support student projects and contribute to the Centre's doctoral training and research programme.

Our partners include: Adtran, Advanced Bionics, Airbus Defence and Space Limited , Alibaba Cloud Computing, AMD, Axenic Ltd, Broadcom, BT Group, CAM-XT, Cytiva, Deep Colour Imaging, Eblana Photonics, Eurpena Space Agency (ESA), Hamamatsu, Huber + Suhner, (IMEC) Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum, Leonardo, Lumentum UK, Menhir Photonics, Nokia, Nu Quantum, Optalysys, Photon Design, Porotech, Pragmatic, Precision Accoustics, Printed Electronics Ltd, Quix Quantum BV, Shadow Robot, Shimadzu, Sumitomo Chemical Group, TeraTech Components Ltd, TeraView Ltd, Thales UK Limited, Toshiba, Tyndall National Institute, Wave Optics and Xtera.

We offer strong cooperation between our engineering and business schools/management science department around innovation strategy and execution. We are dedicated to supporting new business start ups arising from our innovative research.

The commercialisation of our research is managed by UCLB for all UCL related research and Cambridge Enterprise for all Cambridge related research.

Cambridge Enterprise Logo      UCLB logo

We are always keen to develop strategic partnerships with interested companies to assist our students in their development while they are here as well as to enable them to progress once they have left us. This can include opportunities for recruitment of our students, IP licencing and research collaboration opportunities.

If you would like to discuss collaborating with us contact one of the CDT Management Team or email photonics-cdt-admin@ee.ucl.ac.uk